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Career Challenge: Are you doing work you love? What are you passionate about? Isn’t it time you did something really meaningful and fulfilling, and got paid for it?

Finding the right career requires more than just reading employment ads and applying for jobs. If you want to be happy and successful in a career path, you first need to identify your true talents, interests, passions, skills and values.

Career Counseling is a process that provides career help by enabling you to discover your passion and guiding you toward career fulfillment. We support you in your effort to create a more balanced life, clarify what matters, to stay on track and move toward job goals that will provide a sense of satisfaction throughout your working life. Career Counseling can also help you find that exciting job or career opportunity that you have always dreamed of or perhaps even to reinvent yourself in preparation for something completely new.

Career Counseling addresses a number of issues, including career assessment, clarification of personal and career related values, identification of interests and goals, development of job search strategies, supportive transition management and comprehensive career development planning. It can also include analyzing assessments results, helping clients write resumes and preparing for interviews.

Our professional career counselors can also assist you in navigating through the difficult personal and career issues attached to a job loss. Working with our career counselors can help you identify career search strategies that can be implemented with immediate results.

Clarity and Action’s career counseling services supports you in:

  • Identifying your Values, Interests, Skills and Signature Strengths
  • Finding what you are passionate about and what you love doing
  • Dealing with outplacement or other personal challenges in uncertain economic times
  • Making more confident career decisions with a proactive career strategy
  • Advancing your career to the next level
  • Improving your current employment situation by re-crafting your job
  • Finding the confidence you need to make a job transition following your own job development strategy
  • Better understanding your potential to seek the career that is right for you
  •  Staying motivated and in action until you are on your new path
  •  Starting a new business

Clarity and Action uses a variety of proven assessments to help you find the career options that are most likely to bring you success, fulfillment and joy.  These include:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Strong Interest Inventory
  • Values Clarification exercises
  • Strengths Finder/Skills Assessment

Once you’ve decided on your new career, we help you begin setting and reaching for your goals.  We assist you as you focus on job search strategies, resume development, interviewing skills and educational planning.  We support you through each step of the career building process until you achieve success.