Donna Seebo, who is an International mental practitioner, counselor, speaker, teacher, award-winning author and radio/TV personality, talk show host had me on her radio show a few months ago to talk about the coaching tool I developed, Career Quest Cards. She recently sent me the link to that show and I would like to share it with you viagra no prescription.
Go to this link: and click on The Donna Seebo Show in the bar on the top. Once you are there, click on the yellowed area to left; Click here to listen to previous Donna Seebo show broadcasts and then scroll down to April 25th and click on the box to the left hand side of the page to place a check mark and scroll down to where is says play selected files and click on that and you can listen to the show.
I welcome any questions or responses you may have after listening.
Halimah Bellows, MA, MS, CCC, CPC
Donna Seebo-Radio, Television, Speaker, Counselor, Mental Practitioner, Author We invite you to look through the various pages to find out more about Delphi International, Vision Broadcasting and Mrs. Seebo’s Classics.