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The following excerpt from Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows MA, MS is now featured on Bublish at


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Author Insight 

Any change takes courage. To be truly satisfied throughout your work life, your career needs to change and grow with you. The job you are most attracted to may change throughout your life. Personalized career coaching exercises will assist you to explore your passions and values and recognize your strengths and skills. Once you have those, you will apply strategies for determining your desired career.


Book Excerpt

Statistics show that people change careers up to three times throughout their lives—and some people pursue as many as seven careers. We are different people at age 20 than we are at age 30, 40, 50 or 60. We look at life differently and our values change too.

That is why identifying your values is such a key part of career development. This process involves asking and answering questions of yourself about what is important to you and observing what you feel passionately attracted to (as well as what you feel passionately repelled by.)